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Academic historial

Roger Vallès Fitó

Roger Vallès Fitó, Barcelona, 1966.

Eina, Escola de Disseny i Art de Barcelona:
Specialty in Graphic Design (Barcelona, 1986-89).
Eina, Centre Universitari de Disseny i Art de Barcelona:
Postgraduate in Typography (Barcelona, 2005).
Postgraduate in Design of Digital Publications (Barcelona, 2011).

UOC, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya:
English level certificate C1 (Barcelona, 2019).

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and Portuguese.

Professional career

Alamany-Salvany, graphic desigh studio:
Assistant graphic designer (Barcelona, 1990).
La Vanguardia, newspaper of general information:
Infographics designer (Barcelona, 1990).
Comerma Gràcia Pujol, advertising agency:
Art director (Barcelona, 1991).
Mundo Deportivo, sports newspaper:
Spread pages designer (Barcelona, 1992).
Sport, sports newspaper:
Responsable of the infographics department (Barcelona, 1993).
Avui, newspaper of general information:
Supplements designer (Barcelona, 1994-1996).
Diario 16, newspaper of general information:
Art director (Madrid, 1998-2000).
El País, newspaper of general information:
Collaborator in the newspaper redesign project (Madrid, 2001).
Nousis, comunication design:
Director and consultant (Barcelona, since 2000).


Diseño y periodismo electrónico, book:
References to the Diario 16 project as an example of newspaper contemporary redesign. Armentia, Elexgaray i Pérez, Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco (1999).
Master of La Voz de Galicia, journalism seminar:
Speech as speaker of the seminar (A Coruña, 1999).
Signos del Siglo, 100 Años de Diseño Gráfico Español, exhibition:
Selected as a participant in the exhibition of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, 2000).
Elisava, Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria:
Professor of the Course of Journalistic Design (Barcelona, 2000).
Diseño Gráfico Español, CD-ROM:
Selected along with an international spanish group of professionals to promote national design. Supported by the Ministerio de Economía (Madrid, 2000).
Publish, journalism magazine:
Interview about the redesign implementation of Diário de S.Paulo, by Henrique Martin (São Paulo, 2001).
Marcas & Trademarks, book:
Participant in a selection of logos created between 2000 and 2002. Quim Larrea, Editorial Gustavo Gili (Barcelona, 2003).
Meio & Mensagem, journalism magazine:
Interview about the redesign implementation of O Dia, by Robert Galbraith (Rio de Janeiro, 2006).
Homage to Josep Maria Pujol, exhibition:
Participant in the exhibition that paid tribute to the eminent philologist and master in typography (Barcelona, 2013).
Typo Eina 15 Anys, book and exhibition:
Participant in the book and exhibition commemorating the 15 years of advanced typography courses (Barcelona, 2019).